Article content continuedThe spectrum has led to different labels for hydrogen, with green being the lowest carbon-intensity, followed by blue and grey.“It’s not simply as easy as saying green, blue,… RBC Chief Economist Dawn Desjardins talks with Financial Post’s Larysa Harapyn about what it will take to get the economy growing again. 'Trouble on the horizon:' Canada's recovery plan…
Article content continuedShoppers walk through a mall in Tampa, Florida, in November. Photo by Eve Edelhiet/Bloomberg filesFurthermore, Gomez believes Canada is not as “over-retailed” as the U.S. The retail sector…
Article content continued“It is opportunity specific,” said Snyder, adding that some retail acquisitions in the U.S. have been pursued to keep the anchor tenant in a shopping mall and preserve…
Article content continued“They blew it,” said Cheryl Kim, a Toronto-based consultant who advises corporate leaders on reputation issues. “You saw a bunch of leaders who were not willing to make… Deloitte Canada Chief Economist Craig Alexander speaks with Financial Post’s Larysa Harapyn about the key takeaways from the fall fiscal update. 'Trouble on the horizon:' Canada's recovery plan not…
Article content continuedRegional data in the U.S. also showed varying levels of decline in office demand. Commercial real estate company CBRE Group Inc. reported that 3.6 million square feet of…
Article content continuedThe reason for rent control, she believes, was ultimately to ensure tenant security, because there was a tacit acknowledgement by governments that housing is not just a commodity.“You…
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