Indian stocks opened in the green and then surged ahead on Tuesday, spurred by global risk-on behavior amidst receding fears about the Omicron variant of coronavirus. Overnight gains in Wall Street, surprise jump in China’s factory activity, as well as rally in other Asian markets have helped lift sentiment.

The benchmark S&P BSE Sensex opened at 57272.08 and went on to touch a high of 58019.58. It is now trading at 58086.11, up 826 points or 1.44 percent from Monday’s close. 29 of the 30 scrips have gained from Monday’s levels.

The broader S&P Nifty 50 opened at 17051.15 and touched a high of 17271.30. The index is now trading at 17,245.85, a gain of around 113 percent from Monday’s close. 46 of the 50 constituent scrips of the index have gained from Monday’s levels.

In BSE Sensex, all scrips except DRREDDY are in positive territory. At the sectoral level, all the indexes are in positive territory. S&P BSE Realty is higher by 4.04 percent, closely followed by Consumer Durables with 2.46 percent rally and Industrials with again of 2.34 percent. Finance, Oil & Gas, as well as Bankex have all gained more than 2 percent.

In Nifty, at the sectoral level, all sectoral indexes except Health care are in positive territory. Realty is the best performer with a surge of 4.35 percent. Media, Consumer Durables, Bank and Financial Services have gained more than 2 percent.

Market Analysis

Indian Stocks Extend Gains As Virus Fears Ease

2021-11-30 05:39:14

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